Egg Drop

Pugh Charts

Inner Shell (Egg Holder):
Double Pyramid
Solid-Sided Rectangular Prism "Shack"
Cube around Double Pyramid
How well does it distribute force applied to the egg to multiple points? 4 3 (as long as tolerances are right) 4 (same as double pyramid)
How well does it direct force around the egg? Or, how well does it resist compression? 3 4 4
Is the egg visible? Yes No, at least not without modifications Yes

Outer Shell:
Small, rigid structure Crush sructure composed of cubes Rigid structure around egg holder with crush structure around it Rigid center structure with crushable "spikes" Crush structure with solid center and spikes
How well will it absorb impact and deform? 2 4 3 4 4
How resistant to bouncing is it? (bouncing is bad) 2 4 4 2 3
How well will it protect the inner shell from impact? 2 4 3 2 5
NOTE: scores are out of 5